好阿姨 作文 夜桜字幕组2019年7月资源迅雷


读《渔夫和他的妻子》后感 从前有位渔夫,他和妻子住在海边的一条破船上.渔夫每天天不亮就要起来打鱼,即使如此,他们还是生活得很困难.这天早上,渔夫终于钓到了一条比目鱼,而且那条鱼居然会说话,它说:我是一位被施了魔法的王子,你放了我吧。渔夫放走了比目鱼,两手空空回到了家,把今天遇到的事告诉了妻子.妻子大骂渔夫,硬逼他去海边向比目鱼要一间房子.她的要求实现后,她更是贪婪,一次比一次要得多.最后,他们又变得和原来一样贫穷.所以,我觉得,我们要学会知足,懂得珍惜自己所拥有的财富.如果渔夫的妻子当初明白这些道理,那么他们也能过着幸福的生活,更重要的是想得到财富,应该靠自己辛勤劳动,脚踏实地地去争取,不能靠向别人索取.

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好阿姨 作文 夜桜字幕组2019年7月资源迅雷

继母 作文

英语作文关于我心中最理想的妻子 The good girlfriend in my mind is unique.I do not mean that she has to be very beautiful or be very clever,because that is not important.Actually,I think that she must have some good qualities rather than the only pretty face.I think she should be optimistic when troubles come,be perseverant to anything tough,be industrious when she works and be kind hearted to everyone.This is the most important.If she becomes my wife,first,she should manage the housework and keep everything in order.Second,she must have the ability to help me with some affairs and educate their children well.Third,she should be able to get along well with my parents.That sounds a little difficult,but this kind of girl is worthy of owning and getting a wife like that is one of my dream.

我的婆婆 作文 我把脸贴在冰冷的石碑上,如同多年前将它抵在外婆的胸口,如今,回应我的已不是熟悉温暖的心跳。我所记得的最初与外婆的相处就是那个繁星的夜晚,我们一起坐在树下看星星,外婆把我搂在怀里,她的大手握着我的小手。


