英语翻译(句子) 1 Pour the milk into the mixer.2 Cut to pieces 3 bananas.3 Put some sour milk and two teaspoon honeys on the bread first.4 Please eliminate an apple for me.5 How many apples do you want to put into th.英语翻译 banana&milkcut the banana into piecesput the banana into mixer and pour the milk into mixer at the same timemix well八上英语 When do you want to drink milk?Can you fill the milk in the blenderSandwiches are very delicious.I like them.首先,削开香蕉,然后切碎香蕉,然后将牛奶倒进搅拌机,然后把香蕉和冰淇淋放进搅拌机,然后开搅拌机. First,cut open the banana,and then chopped bananas and milk poured into blender,then bananas and ice cream into a blender,and then open mixer.不知道对不对哦\ Pour the milk into the blender.把牛奶倒入搅拌机Put the apple into the blender.把苹果放入搅拌机
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