看下面这张寓意图,你能用英语写一段话描述出来吗? 看到问题吓一跳,还以为开错APP了。照这样下去,悟空问答要变作业帮了。无论如何,感谢邀请,这个脑洞大开的机会我要试试。这幅画想表达的寓意,貌似是两人合力才能推动石球的意思,就从工作环境的合作讲讲吧。Cooperation means working together for a common objective.To get the ball rolling,the two men must be standing on the same side and pushing it towards one direction.Respect is the first step of cooperation in the workplace.Intrinsically humans are selfish and believe that their own perspective is\"the\"perspective.We have to understand that different experience comes different perspective,and that ALL perspective is valid and valuable.Communication is the biggest necessity of any sucessful relationship.Understanding the expectations you have,as well as those of your colleague,is a key component to a cooperation.Knowing these things,and sharing them with each other helps to build collaboration,because you already know what the other person desires and can be mindful enough to try to achieve it。.
英语翻译 联邦退税单列出的附属儿童数目:联邦退税单列出的附属承认数目:(选填)你是少数派成员吗?如果是,哪一个?请列出任何其他在我们考虑您的财务援助申请时希望我们了解的信息和意见.
英语翻译 很高兴为你解答.保证正确率~。【翻译】:M(男人):我觉得你在校报上发表的文章正好说到了要点,你的观点完全说服了我.W(女人):谢啦,但是就大体反响而言,像你我这么想的人决对是占少数啊。祝开心~。
英语翻译 1.This peaceful but disobeying activity leads to the changes of the minority of Amecican laws.2.In 1932,he married with her and actively participated civil rights activities.3.She hopes that the black.
属于少数派的英文怎么写 属于少数派Belonging to the minority