你长大之后想干什么,英语作文 你知道我长大后会干什么吗英文


长大以后想干什么英语作文 I want to be a teach when I gorw up.A teacher can teach students with knowlege and also be a model for the young kids.I'm persoanlly interested in teaching.i want to be the best teacher in the top shcool and have lots of sutents.That will be very exciting.Dont you think so?

长大以后想干什么英语作文 now,i am a student.but when i grow up,i want to be a teacher.i like learning english.because i think is a interesting subject.so i must study work and make progress.i want to have many students.we will study together.i think that is a wonderful thing.i like children very much.if i become a teacher.i must work hard.i think i will be a good teacher.

求一篇关于“当你长大后想要干什么”的英语作文? 当我长大后(WhenIgrowup)WhenIgrowup,Iwanttobeanengineer.Iwanttobuildabighouseandasmallhouseformyfatherandmother.Wewilllivetogether.Therewillbeagardenandplaygroundinfrontofthehouse.Wewillgrowbeautifulflowersandfruittreesinthegarden.Wewillgrowgrassintheplayground.Iwillbuyabigcar.Iwilltakemyfatherandmothertomanyplaces.译文如下:当我长大后,我想成为一个工程师,我想为我的父亲和copy母亲建造一个大房和一个小房子.我们住在一起.在房子前面有一个花园.我们在这里知种上美丽的花朵和绿树.我们在地上种上小草.我买一个大的小车,带上道我的父母亲去很多地方.

你长大之后干什么 用英语怎么说 what will you do when you grow up.

你长大之后想干什么,英语作文 你知道我长大后会干什么吗英文

他们长大后将要干什么用英语怎么说 What will they do when they grow up?


