他母亲是法国人的英文翻译 英语翻译



两个法国人,两个美国人.用英语怎么说? two Frenchmentwo Americanstwo Singaporeanstwo Englishmentwo Canadianstwo Australians你是初1吧看了二楼的答案,基本相同,不过他把英国人翻译成了\"不列颠的人\"既然把法国人翻译成\"Fench peple\",为何英国人不这么.

为什么法国人英语普遍较差,而德国人英语大多不错? So I should be well placed to answer thisquestion.At least,I have a lot of personal experience with it. First of all:Thequestion is justified.In deed,the 。

英语翻译 Polish composer and pianist Chopin was born on March 1st,1810 in Warsaw suburbs.His father was French and moved to Warsaw to be a high school French teacher,while his mother was Polish.At an early age Chopin showed remarkable artistic talent.He began studying music at the age of six.By the time he was seven years old,he had already composed Polish Dance.He started performance on the stage at the age of eight,and was quite famous when he was less than 20 years old.He is one of the most influential and the most popular piano composers in history.He is also one of Poland's most important figures in music history,a romantic music representative in the 19th century in Europe.Most of Chopin's works are piano music and he is praised as the\"poet of the piano.

法国人英语怎么说,能用French吗?为什么我们老师说只能是Frenchman 都可以french[frent?]adj.法国2113的;5261法4102语的;法国人的n.法语;法国人但没有 Frenchman['frent?m?n]n.法国人;法兰西人(尤指男人)常用希望对你有帮1653助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你考上理想的学校 O(∩_∩)O

英语翻译 格林先生在多伦多工作,他可以说一些外语。以在一所中学中教授法语为职。一天下午他正在河边散步,一个小男孩儿和他的妈妈在桥上玩耍。突然,他听到了什么东西落水的声音。。

他母亲是法国人的英文翻译 英语翻译

我的妈妈是法国人。写成英文,改成一般疑问句并做肯否回答。 My mother is French.Is your mother Frech?Yes,she is.No,she isn't.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck。

你是哪的人?我是法国人.你的笔友来自哪?他来自美国.他的妈妈是英国人,他住在伦敦.多伦多在哪?它在加拿大.我叔叔住在东京,你叔叔在哪? Where are you from?i'm french.Your pen pal is from?he came from america.His mother is he lives in london.Toronto?it was in canada.My uncle lives in tokyo,your uncle?

英语翻译 1,If we have the confidence,good wish will become a reality.2,Watch TV is no good for our eyes.3,Meeting in only two people not agree with his opinions4,Although in general,France is a consumption level of high places5,her parents have been busy take care of SARS patients ontwo weeks6 I try to get my mother pay attention7 when I received your E-mail,I tell your uncle8,How many daysWorkers build the hospital?9,Mr.Li hearing the good news ShiXingFen speechless10,when I arrived at the station the train had already left

英语:法国 法国人 的单词 法国=France和法国人=French法国人复数怎么变=Frenchmen例如So I asked one of the Frenchmen


