

我的姐姐计划下周去英国旅游观光 英语翻译 My sister ___ ___ ___ plan to go sightseeing英语翻译 1.Luck is not so tall as Lily.2.I 'd like to go to a movie with my elder sister this afternoon.3.Yang Ling played the violin at the concert last Sunday.4.Please show your photos to us.【公益慈善翻译团.我和我的姐姐准备去伦敦用英语怎么说? My sister and I are going to London我和我的姐姐准备去伦敦真希望能帮到你!满意请采纳!谢谢!英语翻译 The new year has come.Today is the first day of the new year.In the morning,I will go to see my grandma and grandpa.In the afternoon,my sister and I go shopping together.At night,I help my mom cook.This year I will study harder than last year.My is very poor,to read english.I am too thin,to eat nutritious food,such as:beef,fish.I plan to go to Shanghai to play.I heard that there is very beautiful.用英语怎么写下面的句子,上钢琴课,我的姐姐打算下午打扫卫生,他们期待着参观长城, have piano lessonMy sister are going to do some cleaning in the afternoon.They are looking forward to visiting the Great Wall.I am going over the history notes and preparing for the test.英语问题:问:英语问题:我打算给姐姐发一封信(原文就是这样没有我的姐姐)还有为什么软件给的翻译要把 I am going to send my sister a letter.加代词my 就对了。英语翻译 My favorite gift was a Barbie doll which was given by my sister on my 11 birthday,it was so cute so我的姐姐是一名大学生,而我是一名中学生。分别用英语怎么说? My sister is a college student,but I'm a primary school students用英语怎么写下面的句子,上钢琴课,我的姐姐打算下午打扫卫生,他们期待着参观长城, have piano lessonMy sister are going to do some cleaning in the afternoon.They are looking forward to visiting the Great Wall.I am going over the history notes and preparing for the test.英语翻译 My sister likes playing basketball.Is baseball easy to you?Where do you like to go on Sundays?I want to thank Alice after class.


