英语翻译2006年,3月16 日我在去看电影的路上遇见一个英国小女孩,她要去动物园可不知道怎么走.看上去很急.我走上前告诉了她,她很感激我.虽然我看电影迟到了,但我不在乎,我认为能与外国人交谈而感到高兴用过去式 翻译:你看上去似乎并不在乎


英语翻译 I would like to say,in fact,I care about you,you were scared of losing.Without you,all very frightening.In fact,look like you love me,and the role played I would.I do not mind fast unhappy,for you are happy,I forgot Lei Bulei.In fact,you love me look like any expression I can give.I have been waiting for has been changed,but I am tired acridine.Because you have some,said exports had not beenI have worked very hard very hard for you,for the sake of our own change in the future,I would like you to turn around and give me encouragement,holding my hand go together.When I was not in doubt,I have given you all kept silent.I do not want to silence you,I do not want to have any misunderstanding you wrong,I chose to put all the hard on the heart are,the better themselves.Maybe some do not export,we will think I am strong.Your silence,you give me a misunderstanding,so I was afraid,burdened with all the questions.Just like today,you have given me the answer,this is just 2 words.You said,。

看起来好像 英文翻译 look like.look like 追问: 还有别的吗 it seems of it 是吗 追答: 没有it seems of it,只有it seems as if 那看上去好象.常用虚拟语气,it seems that固定句型,那看。

英语翻译 1.You don't have to mind how you looks like and how others treat you.2.These advertisers never consider the harms to youth by their advertisements.3.I was very impressed by what I saw and heard in the.


求ONE IN MILLION歌词且中文翻译(复制党别来)you're one in a million,oh now 你就是万里挑一的那个 you're one in a million,oh 你就是万里挑一的那个 sometimes love 。

英语翻译2006年,3月16 日我在去看电影的路上遇见一个英国小女孩,她要去动物园可不知道怎么走.看上去很急.我走上前告诉了她,她很感激我.虽然我看电影迟到了,但我不在乎,我认为能与外国人交谈而感到高兴用过去式 翻译:你看上去似乎并不在乎


