英语翻译 1.Lying on the bed when you are reading book is bad for your eyes2.Jogging is helping you keeping in good health3.Healthy food and exercising help me to learn better.4.She will take bus to go to there.5.I am sure he will come.6.Both of us have black eyes and black hair.7.I enjoy playing basketball after school.8.I like the friend who is same as me.9.Herry best friend like to do the same thing as her.10.Who do you think can take this job?11.Please mix them up.12.Please pour the milk into juice blender.13.Please cut up the four apples.14.Add a tomato into the sandwich.15.What else are you doing?16.This evening we had a drive.17.Have you fun doing at the camp?18.My brother is major in in Hunan university.19.Live too old,learn to old(不大会)20.李云笛 take part in the fourteenth 肖邦 international piano competition in Poland.21.How have you plan to being a teacher?22.Can you teach me how to play piano?23.I would like to form a football team during new year.24.i 。英语翻译 1.It took me the whole afternoon on my homework.2.You'd better see the doctor right away3.I'm sure that he can get the first prize in this speaking contest.英语翻译 你好,同学 1.孩子们正激动地大叫,他们发生了什么事?Children are screaming excitedly.What happened to them?2.阅览室里要求学生保持安静 Students are required tobe quiet in the reading room.3.一些人没.我确信如果我得到这个工作我就会做得很好,英语翻译一下, I am sure that if I get this job I will do well,“我确信我得到了一个很低的分数”英文翻译是什么? I believe that I will get a really low mark.用英语翻译我确信这次考试我能取得好成绩 我确信这次考试我能取得好成绩I'm sure I can get good grades in the exam.英语翻译1.只有全力以赴,我们才能按时完成这项任务2.请你教我怎么在工作和玩耍两者间获得一个平衡3.你的计划行不通的.我们得另想办法解决这个问题4.应该教育孩子们分享玩具5.然而,没有人能确信这些植物是否能产生足够的水 英语翻译 56.他这次考试失败使他意识到定期复习功课是多么重要.(aware of,review)The failure of the exam made him aware of the fact that how important it is to review homework from on time.57.我确信她的英语知识对这项工作来说是足够的.(be sure that,be adequate for)I'm sure that her knowledge of is adequate for the job.58.在我们这个时代,人们越来越多地依靠计算机来解决各种各样的难题.(depend on,various kinds of)At our time,people depend and on computers to solve various kinds of problems.59.略读不仅帮助你对将要阅读的东西有所了解,还帮助你读得快些,提高你的阅读理解力.(not only,but also)Skimming not only helps you know about what you read but also helps you read faster and improve your reading ablities.60.幸好附近有家医院,我们立刻把他送到了那里.Thanks to the fact that there was a hospital nearby,we sent him there immediately.
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