“那时我刚刚进入大学,每天课余时间很多“如何翻译为英语 During the peroid that I have just entered the university,I have lot of spare time.“我花了很多业余时间和大量的努力自学额外的课程.” 英文我这样写对吗? It took me much spare time and a great deal of efforts to study extra courses.I spent much spare time and a great deal of efforts in studying extra courses.英语翻译 During my spare time,I'd love to swim,go hiking,play the basketball,read and watch the films.I've read many Chinese classic books,I love the Chinese classic culture very much.I love the French films most,especially the film\"leon\",which I love very much.what's I focus on the Chinese and universal military situations.Each time when I surf the Internet,I pay much attention on the Chinese advanced weapons我自己的业余时间很多,没事时候想看看英语书,谁能给我介绍几本书啊?谢谢了《我的英语很差!》。 书虫,记得书店有卖成套的,高中的程度就能看懂。当然也有不会的单词了,那就需要你查字典,然后,记住了,呵呵。通过这种方式,相信你的英语能提高的一周内怎样度过我的业余时间英语作文,带翻译 how to spend the spare time?On holiday,we have a lot of spare time.But how to spend it?How to make it meaningful.Well,I have some suggestions for you.First,we should make a plan,and make sure we will finish the most important things,like undone homework,visit our friends.Second,we should be clear what we like and dislike,then just do the things we like.Last,we should do some sports.Sports will bring us health and vigor.如何度过业余时间?在假期,我们有很多的空闲时间,但如何度过呢?如何让它变得有意义。好的,我有一些建议,首先,我们应该制定计划,并确保我们将完成最重要的事情,如不做作业,拜访朋友。其次,我们应该清楚我们喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。英语翻译 During the time i study at Vietnam,i used my free time traveled to many place,such as Sa Pa,Mue Ni and Nha Trang(三个地名 您在看看 不确定是不是这么拼)etc.I not only visit the beautiful landscape,.英语翻译 Your spare time is very rich,I feel you every day of the busy ah。I recently bought some pretty busy,busy with a new house decoration Ha haI am very interested in the West to you but you gave me an impression that there is nothing too much East-West differences.Nearly the same,right?英语翻译 上了大学以后我的课余时间就很多,怎么来安排就成了一个很难的问题.我每天除了上网看电影,就是和同学们一起打篮球,这样就可以很快的交到很多的朋友,可以使自己的生活更有意义.不置于每天就是睡觉.When I came into un.
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