假如要建一个詹天佑纪念馆,假如文中讲述的物品仍存在,应该将哪些东西放进纪念馆 顾正红纪念馆里面有的东西有哪些


鲁迅在桌子上刻“早”的那篇文章的原文 三味书屋从前是一个书塾,鲁迅小时候在那里读过书,现在是绍兴鲁迅纪念馆的一部分.书屋正中的墙上挂着一幅画,画着一棵古松,树底下卧着一只梅花鹿.画前面是先生的座位,一张八仙桌,一把高背椅子,桌子上照从前的样子,放着笔墨纸砚和一把戒尺.学生的书桌是从自己家里搬来的,分列在四面,鲁迅的那一张在东北角上.当年鲁迅就在那里读书、习字.有时还画画,把纸蒙在《西游记》一类的小说上描绣像.鲁迅的书桌上刻着一个小小的“早”字.字横着,很像一个还没开放的花骨朵,又像一支小小的火把.这个“早”字有一段来历∶鲁迅的父亲害了病,鲁迅一面上书塾读书,一面帮着母亲料理家务,几乎天天奔走于当铺和药铺之间,把家里的东西拿到当铺去换了钱,再到药铺去给父亲买药.有一天早晨,鲁迅上学迟到了.教书认真的寿镜吾老先生严厉地对他说∶“以后要早到。鲁迅默默地回到座位上,就在那张旧书桌上刻了个“早”字,也把一个坚定的信念深深地刻在心里.从那以后,鲁迅上学再没有迟到过,而且时时早,事事早,毫不松弛地奋斗了一生.

假如要建一个詹天佑纪念馆,假如文中的物品还存在的话,应该将哪些东西放进纪念馆?为什么? 可以把他的工程图纸放到纪念馆里,因为工程图纸可以体现出中国人民的智慧

那个,龙头龟身,龙尾,并且龟身上还有一个小乌龟的,是什么东西啊?它适合放在哪里? 古代传说中的瑞兽 龙龟 亦称“赑屃”(bi xi),霸下,是中国古籍中记载的一种瑞兽,相传为「龙生九子」之一,头是龙,身为龟,为纯阳之神兽,能辟邪、制煞、化冲、解厄、镇宅、招财、聚财,是权力和长寿的象征.有说由四大神兽.


北京植物园观后感 自己动手,丰衣足食!

英语翻译 Dear headmaster(你没说清楚那我就默认这封信是写给校领导的)My name is XXX.I have heard about the recent activity to the old people's house which I have great intrerest in and I would like to be a volunteer.I am a person with a warm heart and I like to help other people.I am aware that some of the people in the old people's house may not have the ability to move freely.I am very happy to take them on a walk in the garden on wheelchairs.I can read the paper for people who can't see very well.I can also help and clean their rooms.I am always free during weekends.I think this would be great oppotunity and important expereince for me and might be useful in the future.Please contact me.RegardsXXX我现写的,120字左右,没有什么难的时态或者词汇,主要讲了你乐于助人,可以去帮老人整理房间,散步,读报纸.周末有空.认为这是一次机会,能够成为宝贵的经验或许对将来有用.望采纳

英语翻译 Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival,the first month of the Lunar New Year celebration of the fifteenth day.Lantern Festival is one of the largest festivals.A few days before the arrival of the Lantern Festival,people begin to make lanterns,animals,vegetables,fruits,all kinds of all,there are riddles.The eve of the Lantern Festival,all the lanterns are hung.Lantern Festival,one look at the lanterns and riddles,wonderful folk performances,Dragon Dance and Younger.希望你学习愉快

假如要建一个詹天佑纪念馆,假如文中讲述的物品仍存在,应该将哪些东西放进纪念馆 顾正红纪念馆里面有的东西有哪些


英语翻译 My favourite animal Panda is my favouite animal.Panda is a kind of lovely animal.It is Chinese national treasure.Panda loves eating bamboos.The body of pandas are fat andconglobate.Its fur is black an.

鲁滨逊漂流阅读考级答案 判断题 1,2,3,5,9,13,17,18,19,20,21,23,24错误,其余正确


