你打算在哪工作?用英语怎么说? Where are you going to work?希望我的回答能够帮到您,祝学习进步!(*_^)你打算将来去哪儿工作?英语翻译 Where will you go to work?保证对求采纳你打算在哪工作英文怎么写? Where are you going to work?英语翻译:你打算在哪儿工作 Where are you going to work 或者是Where will you work都可以的祝楼主更上一层楼你打算在哪工作?用英语怎么说? Where are you going to work?英语翻译 手工翻译如下:The work will be finished in half a year's time.Our school will hold a sports meeting.He dreams of playing in NBA.Where do you want to settle down?We plan to visit London this summer.Even though it is raining,John will come on time.你打算在哪里工作 英语 Where do you plan to work?英语翻译 We work with you to this than 6 months of the day,we feel very happy!At the same time,the best in your new job still work goes well,happy every day!If there is a chance,hope we can cooperate again.I hope we can keep in touch with you!You are we friends forever!英语翻译 不客气(不用谢),这是我应该做的(这是我的工作),我应该做得更好翻译:That's all right.That is my duty and I could make it better.英语作文:十年后你打算干什么工作 In ten years,I think I‘ll be a reporter.I‘ll live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.I think it‘s really a beautiful
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