我想在网上学习英语不可行不行 1.访问英语学习网页:有些网页提供了各方面大量的英语学习信息和资料,象听、说、读、写、语法、测试、背景知识等,这些资料,包括一些声象资料都可以下载下来,下面推荐四。英语翻译 Dear Mr.Blake,I am sorry that I can not participate in the activities of our club next Tuesday.Just on that day,I will attend a very important sales meeting.Many businessmen from all around the world.想学英语,但我没有一点英语基础,我应该选择什么的教材? Learning requires action.You may know all the learning tips,but if you don't start doing things,you will achieve nothing.The fact is,if you want to learn to speak well,you must change your life.Here are some examples of things you will have to do:1.Read a book in for an hour every day,analyzing the grammar in sentences and looking up words in an dictionary2.Listen to an audio book or other recording in stopping it frequently,trying to understand what is being said,and trying to imitate the speaker's pronunciation3.Spend your afternoon practicing the pronunciation of the English\"r\"sound4.Carefully write an e-mail message in using a dictionary or a Web search every 20 seconds to make sure every word is correct,and taking 5 minutes to write one sentence5.Think about an sentence you've read,wondering if it could say\"a\"instead of\"the\"in the sentence,and trying to find similar sentences on the Web to find out the answer6。.
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