给我一部电影的英文梗概 小鬼当家3的英文介绍Home Alone 3 has a lot of unfair criticism.I mean,how many of you would really have wanted a 16-year-old Mac Culkin doing the same-old same-old to Harry and Marv.Of course it was a better idea to do in a different direction and with John Hughes still producing and writing you know there's going to be a good amount of imagination and creativity.This time around we have 8-year-old Alex Pruitt defend his house against international criminals.Stuck at home with Chicken Pox with both his parents tied-up in work matters,Alex suspects foul play on his snowy street when he witnesses strangers poking around in his neighbor's house.Of course,no one believes an imaginative 8-year-old so he has to deal with them himself.It turns out that a toy car Alex got from the old-lady across the street is actually a Trojan horse to smuggle a priceless defence microchip to the North Korean mob.They really ought to hire better criminals as they fall for every one of Alex's sadistic booby-。
3部英文电影的主要内容!急,谢谢了 肖申克的救赎 一条漫长的自由之路、一次灵魂深处的洗涤、一部不朽的励志经典,\"希望\"遵循神的旨意安睡在内页被挖空的《圣经》里,附着。
用英文介绍电影《2012》的主要情节 In In 2009,American geologist Adrian Helmsley(Chiwetel Ejiofor)travels to India to meet his friend Satnam,who has discovered that neutrinos from a massive solar。
写一篇关于电影方面的英语作文 内容包括主要内容和人物 I like movies very much.My favorite movie is“Love Me Once Mom”.This is a moving story about a mother and her son.The son was lost one day and the mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere,but she couldn’t find him.She was very sad and almost went mad.I think it is a wonderful movie.It is so moving and sad that I ever cried over and over again.How I wish to watch it again.我非常喜欢看电影.我最喜欢的电影是《妈妈再爱我一次》.这是一个关于妈妈和她儿子的故事.儿子有一天失踪了,妈妈非常着急,到处寻找他,但没能找到.她非常悲伤,几乎要疯了.我认为这是一个非常精彩的电影.这部电影非常感人,我都哭了好几次.我多么希望能再一遍.
英文电影《百万英镑》的主要内容概括 要用英文概括 30个词左右 At first,Adams is mistaken for an eccentric millionaire and has no trouble getting food,clothes and a hotel suite on credit.just by showing his note,The story of the note is reported in the newspapers,Adams is welcomed into exclusive social circles.首先,一对富豪兄弟用一张面值百万英镑的现钞打赌,看这张钞票究竟会给人带来无尽的财富还是只是一张一文不值的“小纸片”。很快,从美国来的亚当进入了富豪兄弟的视线。这个人的船在海上触礁沉没,他靠给其他船只做工来抵押船票才到了英国。现在他身无分文、饥饿难忍,这样一个穷人是再适合不过的人选了。于是亚当被请进了富豪家中。扩展资料故事发生在上世纪初的英国。一个月的期限到了,亚当如释重负地将钞票还给了富豪兄弟。但亚当并没有接受他们为他安排工作,因为经历了大起大落,亚当早已厌倦了人们对金钱的追逐。尽管失去了金钱,但他却得到了许多富豪兄弟给了亚当百万钞票,并和他约定在一个月的时间里,亚当可以任意使用。但一个月后他必须把钞票原样不动地还给富豪,这样他可以得到富豪们为他提供的任何一份他想从事的工作。亚当糊里糊涂地接受了约定。参考资料来源:-。