做出一点贡献 英文 3、想为地球做出一点贡献.让地球更加美丽!


我们希望我们美术俱乐部能为大家做出一点贡献用英语怎么说? 希望美术俱乐部为大家做一点贡献,用用英语主要是来与人交流,与人来沟通

英语翻译 人工翻译:我希望每个人都能保护我们的地球,地球现在被污染的越来越严重,我希望每个人都为地球做出一点贡献,节约每一滴水,每一度电.不要浪费宝贵的水资源.现在许多地方严重缺水.许多人们都没有水喝,对于严重缺水的国.

英语翻译 Q:What's your future career plan?A:In the future,there will be a lot of cooperation opportunities between the Chinese enterprise and Japanese enterprise.As a Chinese who used to live and work in Japan,I would like utilize this advantage to make the contribution.So,my future career plan is to be an engineer to work between Chinese and Japanese enterprises.

如果人人为环境保护做出一点贡献,我们世界将会变得更美好的英文怎么说? 匿名用户 1级 2013-11-23 回答 如果人人为环境保护做出一点贡献,我们世界将会变得更美好 If everyone contributes to environmental protection,our world will be even 。

英语作文 :一点小事也能为社会做出贡献,100词左右 Environmental protection is the world's attention,most concerned about.Although our strength is a small,but can be around some little contribution made for environmental protection;for example the most simple,run out of water readily tap or shutting off the lights when leaving,these things are simple,you can still be true,causing a serious waste of resources on the Earth is valuable,is limited,if we now also does not pay attention to,then the world's last drop really want to become our tears,our beautiful blue planet will also be destroyed by human hands.From now on,let's effort.from,jointly protect this beautiful planet,so it is no longer the cry

#贡献的英文怎么说#做出一点贡献 英文

