用英语如何说“正如我们电话中所说的那样” As we mentioned over the phone英语翻译 As you are aware,the logo printed on the bottom of the product is very small/fine.If we follow your design,the letter/alphabet A might not be seen clearly or even be vague.或者:The letter/alph.英文高手请帮忙?翻译一些东西。 Just like in front of us the mail reproaches,The next Surgical department month will be able to carry on the way separately carries on the communication by three products lines national manager with own troop,Carries on in each month beginning of the month.The conference content approximately was carries on the summary to the last month sales situation,Under as well as plans a month or under the quarter sales strategy and the marketing campaign arrangement.Ended in the latter week in each product line department conference,Gary can distinguish and various departments manager carries on the month meeting,This conference concrete notice will send out by me.Now needs each understanding the information,As follows:正如我们之前讨论的一样的翻译是:什么意思 正如我们之前讨论的一样翻译是:As we have discussed before正如我们讨论的,请讲你自己相关信息填入表格内。----怎么英文翻译? As we said,please fill in the form with your information.
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