我已经结婚三年了英语怎么说 英语翻译


等我三年我们就结婚,用英文怎么说 Wait for three years and then we get married.

我已经结婚了.英语怎么说? 我知道一个是:可以直接说 I am married. 如果用have来表示的话,是用哪个对呢?I have got married/been married. 谢谢了。都对 I have got married 强调动作(因为got。

英语翻译 1.他和我姐姐结婚已经三年了 It is_3 years since_he_has married_my sister 2.他宁愿又一次失败;也决不放弃.He would_rather lose again than give up_3.我们一致.

他们结婚2年了 英语怎么说啊? they have been married for two yearsthey got married two years ago.意思一样,是说他们两年前接的婚.

英语翻译 She would like walk to there rather than by bus.he runs so fast that we can not catch him.we have been married for three years.

我已经结婚三年了英语怎么说 英语翻译

结婚三年了用英语怎么说 married可以用来形容啊.they have been married for three years.I've been married for three long years补充:不能,要 have been married for three years.have got是有个什么东西

