英语翻译 乒乓球是我最喜欢的运动,我经常玩它她非常喜欢运动,所以她的身体一直很好(用英语怎么说) She like sports well,so her body is good.英语翻译 I also like sports,because,I think,at the time of movement,not only can exercise the body,make oneself health,and important is can make you relax and enjoy the pleasure brought by the sports,and.英语翻译 I call out,I like sports,such as basketball,volleyball,ping-pong,tennis and so on,and I also like to read a book,watch movies,listening to music and go hiking.Oh,and a little,I especially like street dance,although I can't jump how much,but I was excited about it a.I think I most the most special should be me as a person,I modest,honest,sincere,good flexibility,rise,can convincing,easy to get along with people.You may see is I active part,but sometimes I was quiet,I think of the home as parents and relatives and high school teacher,I have always thought that they are I keep motivation.They let me know what is Thanksgiving-the most respected vocabulary。In order to Thanksgiving,I decided to study hard,to find a good job in the future,realize oneself the value of life,which is to the family and the people who helped me a good gift英语翻译除了全世界旅行,我还喜欢运动,尤其是游泳他妈妈对他很生气,因为她发现他不是在做作业而是在玩电脑美国的人口比中国少(that)无论何时遇到他,我总是看见他在看书我肯定他在 她的成绩不是很好但他擅长体育运动英文 她的成绩不是很好但他擅长体育运动Her performance is not very good,but he is good at sports.她的成绩不是很好但他擅长体育运动Her performance is not very good,but he is good at sports.他非常喜欢运动用英语怎么写? He likes sports very much英语翻译 I'm not quite fond of playing sports because I hate sweating.I know about some Chinese cuisines and have ever tried to make desserts on m own,though the taste isn't very good.Our city is large but crowded.Besides,it's rather competitive.Every time when certain festivals come,there will be a sea of people on the street.I have sent you a little gift.Hope you'll like it.
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