请随时跟踪 英文 请您随时跟踪您的货品,如果货品已经到达贵国,请您主动联系当地UPS让他们能尽早给你派送,电话XXX.


有没有可以一个手机随时跟踪定位另一个手机的软件 (两个手机都可操作) 有啊,正规的,lbe安全大师的防盗功能可以gps定位。相互把对方的手机号设置为安全手机号就可以相互定位了。不过防盗效果一般,刷个机就没了。

我会随时跟踪此事的进展情况 英文怎么说? I'll follow up on this issue closely. 问题 全部问题 休闲娱乐 情感家庭 生活常识 商业理财 社会民生 购物消费 电子数码 电脑网络 旅游地区 教育科学 文学。

请随时跟踪 英文 请您随时跟踪您的货品,如果货品已经到达贵国,请您主动联系当地UPS让他们能尽早给你派送,电话XXX.

翻译:随时跟踪,一年二次考核,对评估结果满意的提名晋升. keep track at any moment,assess twice each year and have the well-behaved employee promoted.

英语翻译 我们非常理解你现在的心情,首先就此给你引起的不便致歉.We completely understand your current feeling and we would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused for you.9月28号收到你的付款.你的包裹是在9月29号通过航空包裹寄出.此航空包裹是没有tracking number的.所以无法向你提供tracking number.真是对不起.Your payment was received on 28 Sep.Your parcel was sent out by air on 29 Sep.But since the air freight has no tracking number,we can not provide the tracking number to you.Sorry for this problem.我们建议您查看我们的航运条件的项目说明,国际航运,这比国内通常需要更长的时间,因为它在航运服务供应商和两国海关为基础.We will appreciate if you can check the air shipment regulation in China.It is known that international air shipment will take longer than internal shipment because of the different service suppliers and customs clearance.目的地为德国的包裹需要的运送时间,根据我们以往的经验,正常情况需要14-21个工作日(不计算星期六及星期日)才能送达.According to our experience in the past,it will take 。



请您随时跟踪您的货品,如果货品已经到达贵国,请您主动联系当地UPS让他们能尽早给你派送,电话XXX. Dear friend,Your goods have been delivered.Please track your goods constantly.If the goods have arrived in your country,please contact your local UPS,telephone number XXX and request for your goods to be delivered asap.

#请随时跟踪 英文

