自助游 中国日报 英语 我想学旅游英语,不知道易格在线英语怎么样?


【求高手】高一水平英语作文.120词左右.复制党勿来. There's an old Chinese saying that you can learn by travelling a thousand miles than by reading a thousand books.Many people like travlling,so do I.Fiestly,I think we can learn a lot from books,but we can get the real experience from travelling.Not only it let us open up our eyes,but also we can widen our knowledge.We can get to know about the local manners and customs,and feel the culture.Secondly,I think that travelling can make people relax and be beneficial to health.During thetravel,we can put ourselves into the bosom of nature,and freely breathe the natural air,and feel the beauty that man is a part of nature.It is very good to our health.we will love nature much better.At last,when we are travelling,we will weet with many people,and make new friends with them.Friends are wealth,they are better than money.I remenber someone said that friends are the productive forces.What's it can train our ability which we cooperate with others.In a wor的,travelling has many 。



自助游 中国日报 英语 我想学旅游英语,不知道易格在线英语怎么样?

请问谁能帮我提供一份英文学习计划? 等你背完四册再说吧。背完不代表掌握。忘掉了等于没学。关键是要把你背完的东西运用到学习和生活中去。新概念学完后可以看英文原版书。或者网上阅读诸如雅虎,中国日报等英文网站。词汇又新又标准。新概念只是个基础。等你学完了,想想你以后想从事什么职业。开始学习此职业的专业英语。比如商务英语。旅游英语。机械英语等等,。如果暂时没规划。可以学习英语专业大三以上的课本。

中国的地名翻译作英语应该用音译还是意译? 个人认为,功能性地名与国际性地标应当意译,带有象征意义的地名尽量意译,历史地名尽量音译,涉及到街路…


#自助游 中国日报 英语

