宫胁诗音微盘 知道这些图片是出自哪部片子的进来


宫胁诗音的《Flavor》 歌词 歌曲名:Flavor歌手:宫胁诗音专辑:DearTori Amos-FlavorBack to love the mindsCries BelowCries AboveYou must pick a sideWill you choose fearWill you choose loveWhat does it look likeThis orbital ballFrom the fringes of the milky wayWhat does it feel likeThis orbital ballOn The fringes of the milky wayRaining fla.fla.falavorI've seen fla.fla.flavor,flavor,loveWho's God then is GodThey all want jur.jurisdictionIn the book of ErisWho's God spread fearSpread loveWhat does it look likeThis orbital ballFrom the fringes of the milky wayWhat does it feel likeThis orbital ballOn The fringes of the milky wayRaining fla.fla.falavorI've seen fla.fla.flavor,flavor,loveTry not to breath when seenWhat does it look likeThis orbital ballFrom the fringes of the milky wayWhat does it feel likeThis orbital ballOn The fringes of the milky wayRaining fla.fla.flavorI've seen fla.fla.flavorSpread that fla.fla.flavorFlavorFlavorFlavorhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13786456

宫胁诗音微盘 知道这些图片是出自哪部片子的进来

暗杀教室第二季主题曲 3年E组うた担-バイバイ YESTERDAY

【暗杀教室】宫脇诗音-和你重逢的那一天的日文-罗马音-中文歌词 また君に会える日-宫脇诗音木漏れ日が やさしく差し込む 大きな窓の中ko mo re bi ga ya sa shi ku sa shi ko mu o o ki na ma do no na ka【柔和的阳光透过叶间 照进巨大的窗内】君と出会ったあの日を 远くに感じたki mi to de a tta a no hi wo to o ku ni ka n ji ta【与你相逢的那一天 仿佛一下变得遥远】少しずつ 并べた思い出は 仆を温めるsu ko shi zu tsu na ra be ta o mo i de wa bo ku wo a ta ta me ru【一点一点回忆浮现 一丝一丝温暖我心】小さな部屋 繋ぐ心 そっと教えてくれたchi i sa na he ya tsu na gu ko ko ro so tto o shi e te ku re ta【小小房间里相连的心 轻轻地让我知晓】この季节が迎えに来たらko no ki se tsu ga mu ka e ni ki ta ra【当这季节来临】君の姿もう探す事もki mi no su ga ta mou sa ga su ko to mo【我便再也无法】出来なくなっちゃうんだねde ki na ku na ccha u n da ne【找寻你的身影】ずっと忘れずにいるよzu tto wa su re zu ni i ru yo【我会一直记得】また君に会える日までma ta ki mi ni a e ru hi ma de【直至与你重逢】桜色広がる 见惯れた景色 交わす言叶sa ku ra i ro hi ro 。

知道这些图片是出自哪部片子的进来 日本的片子,没看过

宫胁诗音的《Touch Me》 歌词 Touch me。出ましたっ。パワパフガールズZ IN歌手:加藤英美里(ハイパー

