医学英语现状以及就业前景? 业务培养目标医学英语专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础,丰富的医学知识基础和广博的文化知识,并能熟练地运用英语在医学、外事、教育、经贸、文化、科技等部门从事。
按要求写个英语作文(关于大学生就业问题) 1.Today’s college students face choices unheard of years ago.Terms like two way selection,self-employment are not new to them.Many students swarm(蜂拥)into job market or look every talent fair(人才交流会)for potential employers.The concept of selling(推销)oneself rather than hiding oneself is well accepted by students.Hunting a job is no small matter.Instead,it is probably one of the most,if not the most,important decisions any of would-be graduates can make in a lifetime.Therefore,they are very serious and cautious when that time comes.It is something that the society has taught them.Now and students lose their jobs when they graduate from school.It's easy for some students to find work.But the fact is that some students think the salary is so low that they don't want to do the job,they except to find a easy work with a higher salary.Like the reason above,some jobs have nobody to do it,but somebody is free with no job.As the job market gets shrinking,it has also become 。
2010,对中国就业现状的600-700字的读后感!!!狠急!! 提醒家长:教育也是一种投资,也存在风险学子们早已接受了“天之骄子”不再的心理落差,而他们的家长和社会似乎还不适应这种转变。受国际金融危机的冲击,在上一年年中,已有7万家出口导向型中小企业倒闭。那些正在严冬中挣扎的企业也纷纷减少了雇员计划,更多的大学毕业生面临着失业问题。一些大学毕业生也不把自己当普通的劳动者来看,不愿放下身段来主动适应社会分工对不同岗位职位的需要。国内媒体上,每天都有“大学生卖肉”、“大学生当小贩”的消息吸引众多眼球。“个别大学生卖肉是正常现象,大学毕业生人人去卖肉才不正常。中国的大学生不是太多,而是太少(技能型、专业性、职业化)首先明确搞清楚您所期望理想得到的是什么-自己的短期规划与目标:个人建议从3个方面预期:第一,学习、锻炼、打基础的自我提升型!目前大部分刚毕业的学生能在他人即有工作经验或师长或老人身边学习到,薪水不是主要的,不是不要,而是根据每个人的实际情况来对待,对于一个衣食无忧的学生即经济条件好的,他可以不要任何薪水实习学生或怎么都可以,但对于其它的人群可能不太现实。建议此种类型的的可以先行选择一个小的公司先磨合一段时间,有机会立即进入大的品牌、规范。