英语翻译 我肯定会看的英文


对于您对我的肯定,我感到十分荣幸 用英语怎么说 自己尝试着翻译吧.这样你的英语才能提高呀.不管是不是标准的,自己做了才会得到锻炼.如果楼主只是想要标准的翻译去ICIBA就可以找得到了呀.表达方式有很多哦.也许你自己想出来的就是标准:)补充:是呀.楼主你自己翻译很不错啊。以后还是先自己做,然后可以让大家给你意见.这样才会有进步呀.你说是吧?英语翻译 楼主已经把基本意思都翻出来了哈,如果完善一下的话可以翻成:You are excellent。I hope you can live up to your dreams and make greater achievements。I'm for you.Chinese fans are expecting your visit to China.I believe that you will be one of the best bands in the world.英语翻译. great sure thatlook like英语翻译 综述与研究方向英语翻译 1)I bet that building had been totally destroyed during the air raid.2)During that period,I got my hands on whatever being written in English.3)The team drew lots to decide who is going to play.4)Normally,the prices can be brought down by either adding the supplies or reducing the demands.5)As far as I know,they had been detached from each other for a while.6)Even the car was out of sight,Jenny still stood at the entrance stared towards the end of the road.7)People frequently send away for commodities in Western counties,which could save a lot of time.8)I asked for several times,but she refused to respond to me.9)The main purpose of this interview is testing the level of the applicants.10)I can not keep up my monthly payments on the car loan,I am totally at a loss.英语翻译 不用那么麻烦.用酷狗多听几遍然后不会的发音用词典查 这样不仅确保你英语提升了 而且发音比拼音标准 我帮你看看难发音的单词 我帮你拼音弄一下knew 扭(第四声)知道的意思wouldn't 污等 将不会的意思sugar 苏.英语翻译 1.如果你昨天参加了晚会,我肯定会看到你的.if you had joined in the party yesterday,i would have seen you.2.如果你再做那样的事,就会受到惩罚.if you should do such a thing again,you would be punished.


