在我们的共同努力下英文翻译 只要我们大家共同努力,我们定能创造一个美好的和谐的社会


英语翻译:让我们携起手来共同努力,为我们的生活环境出自己的一份力 Let's be hand in hand and make efforts together,for our living environment.

英语翻译:城市是我们的家庭,让我一起共同努力建设文明城市 the city is our big family,let's work hard together to build up civilized city

让我们在接下来的日子里共同努力吧。用英语怎么说? let's make efforts together in the following days

\ Together with our efforts.(我记得电影《ERAGON》里有一句台词说得好:Together with our efforts,it is our enemy who should be afraid.)

在我们的共同努力下英文翻译 只要我们大家共同努力,我们定能创造一个美好的和谐的社会

英语翻译 意译:As a man sows,so he shall reap.After our collective efforts,we are now standing on this stage.I believe we can explain the meaning of youth by our performance.Like a set of pulsatile notes,youth is playing on our hearts time and time again.Like a breadth of changing scenery,youth is appearing in our mind day and night.Our flappy youth will be heard by the sky,and be seen by the white clouds.Listening to the brinish vocality,looking at the clinging sky,let's sing and dance for our youth.

只要我们大家共同努力,我们定能创造一个美好的和谐的社会 As long as we can all work together,we will be able to create a beautiful and harmonious society


