英文介绍拿手菜 假如本周末你和你的好朋友准备举办一个聚会, 你想做一道拿手菜。你打算做什么菜呢?需要准备哪些材料?如何做呢?请你用英语写一篇70词左右的短文介绍一下这道菜的制作过程。


你的拿手菜是什么? 你那个烤鱼,如果酱油先加些水与桂皮,八角烧开,浸出的鱼味道更好.

求职时如何回答老板提出问题 如你有什么拿手菜 要素一 要素一 针对性 不管是递交书面简历还是电子简历,针对性都应该是简历投递的第一要素。针对性可充分表达你的诚意,更重要的是针对性好的简历可以正好满足用人单位的。

英文介绍拿手菜 假如本周末你和你的好朋友准备举办一个聚会, 你想做一道拿手菜。你打算做什么菜呢?需要准备哪些材料?如何做呢?请你用英语写一篇70词左右的短文介绍一下这道菜的制作过程。

用英语介绍一种你最拿手的菜 Pork and Vegetable DumplingsMix some pork,leafy vegetables and salt.Then make small circles of dough.Put the meat,leafy vegetable and salt on the dough.Close the dough around the meat.Put the dumpling.

用英语介绍你最喜欢的一道菜以及它的制作方法,60~80词 My favorite dish is a traditional Chinese food,dumplings.First,mix the flour with water to make the dough.When the dough is ready,we can make the dough to the dumpling wrappers,Next,try to make the filling for dumplings.You can choose many style,like chives with meat,shepherd's purse,cabbage with beef,whatever you love.Then,the most important step is coming。It is making the dumplings.Put the filling for the dumplings that we finished it before on the dumpling wrappers,and make two sides of the dumplings is pasting,and pinch it.Look,the dumplings will be finished。Finally,the most simple step,also is the second important step,pust the dumplings into the pot that fills in the hot water.When the third time that dumplings float on the water,you can eat it。


