安居乐业的英文 安居乐业 英文


安居乐业的英语翻译 安居乐业用英语怎么说

英语翻译 讲故事要用过去式.Once upon a time,there was a country where people lived and worked happily.In this country,there was a beautiful and kind princess,who loved singing and her voice was so nice that even animals were attracted.Everyone loved the princess but she felt alone.She hoped that one day a handsome prince would come,marry her and live happily ever after.So she made a deal with God,that she was willing to give up her voice to have a prince to take her away.After she lost her voice,one day,a handsome prince came and proposed marriage.The king wanted some time to think about it but the princess couldn't wait to see the outside world,so she sneaked out and ran away with that prince.They were found out by a knight,who was deeply in love with the princess and wanted her to be happy,so he only just followed them.On the trip,the prince and princess encountered a robber,the scared prince left the princess alone and fled,but the knight came out and saved her life.At this mmoment,the 。

人们过上安居乐业的生活英文 大道之行也,天下copy为公.选贤举能bai,讲信修睦.故人不独亲du其亲,不独子zhi其子,使老有所终,壮有所用,幼有所长,鳏寡dao孤独废疾者,皆有所养.男有分,女有归.货恶其弃于地也,不必藏于己;力恶其不出于身也,不必为己.是故谋闭而不兴,盗窃乱贼而不作,故外户而不闭,是为大同

安居乐业的英文 安居乐业 英文

求改进英语句子. The harmonious of our country rural economy shouldbe something like living and working in peace and contentment.The harmonious economy is the result of harmonious area economy and social structure.A.


英语翻译 It motives people to move onwe have a basic concept about homelandcan guarantee people's peaceful lifeevery people,every ethnic should unite as one.everybody should hold the conviction of protecting country and being a Chinese,sticking to the principle of ChineseAs a junior high student of new generation,every present student should take the responsibily of China's properous同学 这些话用中文说最铿锵有力 英文是翻译不出来那种味道的.

安居乐业的英文 live and work in peace and contentment

安居乐业是什么意思 安居乐业词 目 安居乐业<;br>;发 音 ān jū lè yè<;br>;释 义 安:安定;乐:喜爱,愉快;业:职业。指安定愉快地生活和劳动。br>;出 处《老子》:“民各甘。

英语翻译 请不要把people跟the people混用,people作为集合名词是人民,作为可数名词是民族,the people是民族的意思.Entering the 21th century,China becomes open.At present,China sociaty is stable,economy is develo.



