我校举办了首届书籍交换节,要写一篇英文报道,并谈谈感受.英语作文 关于交换图书的作文


你是交换生给图书馆一些建议,写个英语作文 Nice to read your e-mail today.It’s very kind of you to give me encouragement;I owe a lot to you for your help.As to which school is the best one for you to stay in,I should recommend my school.The following are the reasons.First,exchange students are welcomed in my school;besides,we have first-class facilities:the labs,modern libraries and electro-reading-rooms are accessible to all our students,offering us places to broaden our views while on the sports grounds and in gymnasiums we surely can get much fun and make many friends.After-class we have varies of activities which provide us with opportunities to improve ourselves.And the most important is that we have the best teachers as well as the best schoolmates.The teachers are kind and ready to offer help.In their unique ways of teaching,they often make their class lively and interesting.We students are encouraged to speak both in and out of class,thus I do believe that you won’t have any difficulty in 。


我校举办了首届书籍交换节,要写一篇英文报道,并谈谈感受.英语作文 关于交换图书的作文


拜托大家帮我找一篇半命题作文:书籍是------- (420字或420字以上)。谢谢!!! 拜托大家帮我找一篇半命题作文:书籍是-(420字或420字以上)。谢谢!书籍是我们最好的朋友 很多人都有这样类似的经历!很多正当年的人都在书籍中找到了自己的财富;。

有意义的图书互换活动 作文 去年冬天,我们学校为了培养学生的社会交往能力,促进同学之间的沟通交流,特意举行了一次校园内的图书互换活动,就是让同学们带上自己以前看过的书,和其他同学进行买卖或者交换。活动这天,我带上精心挑选的书和爷.

根据要求完成大作文,词数:80-100词. 参考例文 My Favorite School Activity There are many school activities in ourschool and there is a\"Book Exchange\"activityon the schoo.

图书交换节 作文 图书交换活动就要开始了!大家都兴致勃勃地准备着。只有我对此兴趣不大,因为我一点也不想和别人换书,换出去可就换不回来了。可老师要求,至少带三本书。为了完成老师的任务,我很不情愿地带了两本我早已不看的童话书。图书交换正式开始!我手中拿着被人称之为“糊弄小孩”的书,百无聊赖地看着别人忙来忙去。但是我没想到的是,第一笔“生意”很快就来了。曹紫晴走过来,拿着我的《9号萤火虫》问:“要换吗?我很惊讶她这个博览群书的“小博士”怎么会看这种书。“你不是爱看历史书吗?“怎么啦,”她漫不经心地说,“换不换?曹紫晴是我不能拒绝的人,再说了,这笔交易十分公正。我高高兴兴地把书递给她,并接下了她的《穿越时空遇见你》。有了第一笔交易的成功,我对这个活动的兴趣大增,便拉着曹紫晴满操场跑,我们的收获也是真不小。再后来,我们就一起坐在草地上看换来的书,连话都顾不上说。直到活动结束时,我们站起来,才发现裤子已经冰凉了。这时,我也后悔起来,为什么不多带几本书交换呢?别人说,这种图书交换活动,一学期只有一次,也就是说,这是我参加的第一个也是最后一个图书交换会了。不过,经过这次活动,我想我获得的不光是两本书,更是与别人分享的。

写一篇英语作文,70词左右, Dear Lucy,Last time you said you wanted to borrowed some books from our library and asked me about the library rules and regulations.Now I'd like to tell you something about it in detail.First,our school library is open everyday,but it's not allowed to eat at the library.Second,each person can borrow two books per time at the most,and you can keep the books for two weeks.Third,you must return the books on time,otherwise you may get a fine of two yuan per day for one book.Last but not least,everyone should take good care the books,no scribbling or graffiti.Let's go to the library next time,OK?Yours,Li Nan


