英语翻译题 It is said that Bill Gates is the richest in the world.It is said是“据说”的意思
课上认真听老师讲课,按时交作业.用英语怎么说 你好,应该是为:Listen to the teacher carefully and hand in the homework on time.祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~
老师让我们每天按时完成家庭作业.用英语怎么翻译 楼上的翻译都有错误,正确的翻译应该是:The teacher asks us to finish our homework on time every day.The teacher makes/lets/has us finish our homework on time every day.
老师希望我们每天都能按时交作业的英文? 老师希望我们每天都能按时交作业The teacher hopes that we will hand in our homework on time every day
你们必须按时交作业 英文翻译 你们必须按时交作业翻译为:You must hand in your homework on time望满意哦
希望要英语作文 There is bird flu occurring in part of China right now.In facing this epidemics,disease experts warn us that we should exercise everyday,rest on time,and we should not get too tired and shouldn't smok.
英语翻译 你是几班的哈。跟我们的作业一个样我希望我们能和平相处I hope we can live together in peace我们的老师非常注重课外阅读Our teacher lay much stress on Extracurricular Reading你们应该明天早上交作业you are suppose to hand in your homework tomorrow moring万一下雨了,我们怎么办suppose it rain,what should we do
老师希望我们能够按时到校怎么翻译英语 the teacher hopes us that we can go to school on time
英语翻译 1 our new teacher is very young,beatiful and patient.2 she teaches very well and after class she always helps us a lot.3 she requres that we must spend no less than an hour in learning Engl.