我的两个舍友英语 英语翻译不好意思,我回复迟了.很欢迎你和你朋友.我的家在 昭华路 ,靠近延安西路地铁站.家里还有我男友和两个舍友.关于价钱,来我家的话是 1小时200元 我去你那里的话 是 1小时280元价钱还是可以商量的.课程开始的时间 可以从11月9



她是我的大学室友 用英语怎么说 她是我的大学室友。2113She is my college roommate.解释:college|?k?l?d?|大学5261示例:a private college私立大4102学a college campus/student大学校园1653/学生She's away at college in California.她去加利福尼亚上大学了。roommate['r?mme?t]室友,住在同室的人示例:My roommate gets up later than I do.我的同屋比我起得晚.He drugged his roommate and stole his money.他对他的室友下了麻醉药,然后偷了他的钱.

英雄联盟 求帮忙取几个舍友可以用的英文名 英文 总共正好5个人 要没人用 真名开头字母第一个大写、加名字最后一个字加灬加一个后缀就可以了,别说我“Nsj骏灬Conan”

求帮写一篇介绍4个舍友的英语文章,不用太长,每个人有四五句就OK了 My four RoommateA:What will you do tomorrow?B:I want to play basketball in the park,C:oh,you need go to the cinema with your girl~D:Shut up。I‘m no have any girls,I feel very sad.A:Don't worry,al.

英语作文:我的舍友带翻译 It was my first day at the university.Carrying bags of luggage,I walked slowly into the dormitory building.I looked door after door for my name.At last I found it.In the room,there was already a girl making her bed.Smiling shyly,she greeted me with\"how do you do\".Then,she continued her work,paying no attention to me.\"What a stuck up fellow\",I thought.Then I began to examine the room.It was no different from any other room I had seen.But it had been thoroughly cleaned by my new roommate,no doubt.Minutes later,I started to examine her.She was thin,short and dark.Her hair was in a completely disastrous mess like a bunch of straw.Her dirty clothes and tired look were clearly signs of a long journey.Well,her 2'shirt was too big for her and her trousers were a bit short,which made her look funny.Furthermore,she wore a pair of rubber scandals,which were indeed out of fashion.In a word,she did not look like a smart freshman at all.\"A yokel\",I concluded.The 。

宿舍、舍友用英语分别该怎么说? dormmate=住在同一宿舍楼的roommate=住在同一宿舍房间(可以是套间)的另外dormitory一般简称为dorm

英语作文,题目:我的室友 I have three roommates,three lovely roommate:xiaohua,small loyal and small qian,incredible is that I have been the three roommate for accompany I spent twelve years.Xiaohua,fat and lovely woman,the height of one meter five few have one hundred and twenty jins weight,is really amazing.Don't see xiaohua looks like a big ball of fat,but she may seem,what sewing clothes,cooking,cleaning.She take everything,I really admire xiaohua.Well,gentlemen,ladies,here to introduce a little of our simple and honest honest loyal.Little loyalty is\"man\"number one in four of us,I was no.2,\"a man\".Little loyalty is not high,also some fat,thought\"lodge

英语翻译不好意思,我回复迟了.很欢迎你和你朋友.我的家在 昭华路 ,靠近延安西路地铁站.家里还有我男友和两个舍友.关于价钱,来我家的话是 1小时200元 我去你那里的话 是 1小时280元价钱还是可以商量的.课程开始的时间 可以从11月9日这个周末开始.


