有没人知道梁家辉和袁咏仪主演的电影<<年年有今日>>里面的音乐叫什么歌名??好喜欢哦```有人能帮我吗??? 年年有今日 电影


周星驰电影里有一首年年有今日岁岁有今朝的歌叫什么 恭祝你生辰快乐

年年有今日 岁岁有今朝什么意思 这是一句非常著名的贺寿词,是祝过生日的人生日快乐、健康长寿。年年有今日:每一年都有像今天的日子。岁岁有今朝:每过一岁,都有像今天的日子。拓展资料:包含年年有今日 岁岁有今朝的歌曲:《祝寿歌》歌词:恭祝你福寿与天齐,庆贺你生辰快乐。年年都有今日,岁岁都有今朝。恭喜你,恭喜你。恭祝你福寿与天齐,庆贺你生辰快乐。年年都有今日,岁岁都有今朝。恭喜你,恭喜你。恭祝你老如松柏 少若芝兰,福如东海 寿比南山。恭祝你福寿与天齐,庆贺你生辰快乐。年年都有今日,岁岁都有今朝。恭喜你,恭喜你。恭祝你福寿与天齐,庆贺你生辰快乐。年年都有今日,岁岁都有今朝。恭喜你,恭喜你。

电影年年有今日主题曲 名字是《A little bit of soap》这是一首相当老的歌了,很多人翻唱过。你找的应该是Fabulous Echoes 唱的版本,词曲作者:Russell Bert。给你个试听地址:http://www.1ting.com/player/9b/player_152074.html 下载地址:http://wma.1ting.com/wmam/zzzzfuck520/2007eMay/09j_Polygram/4.wma歌词:A little bit of soapWill wash away your lipsticks on my face.A liitle bit of soapWill nevernevernever ever eraseThe pain in my heartIn my eyes as I goTrough the lonely years.A little bit of soapWill never wash away my tears.A little bit of soapWill take away your powder from my chin.A little bit of soapWill neverneverneverever beginTo take away the hurtThat I feel as I goThrough the lonely yearsA little bit of soapWill never wash away my tears.A little bit of soapWill take away your perfume eventually.A little bit of soapWill never wash away the memories.And your name in the night that I callThrough the lonely years.A little bit of soapWill never wash away my tears.Have 。

#年年有今日全文#年年有今日电影#年年有今日下一句是什么#年年有今日 电影#年年有今日岁岁有今朝是什么意思

