珍惜我们所拥有的 用英语怎么说 cherish what we have.CHERISH WHAT WE'VE GOT 也可以珍惜你现在所拥有的英语怎么写 Please cherish what you have possessed。关于珍惜你所拥有的英语寓言 Be thankful for what you have.You have no idea how many people would love to have what you've got.好好珍惜你拥有的一切吧,因为你所拥有的正是许多人向往的。Appreciate what you have:the people,the opportunities,the materials possessions.珍惜你所拥有的一切,人、机遇、物质财富.Enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.有足够的失去使你珍惜所拥有的一切.关于珍惜你所拥有的英语寓言 Be thankful for what you have.You have no idea how many people would love to have what you've got.好好珍惜你拥有的一切吧,因为你所拥有的正是许多人向往的.Appreciate what you have:the people,the opportun.珍惜现在所拥有的一切 感激一切的英文小诗? Cherish each momentCherish each moment,each hour in each day,The enemy,Time,just keeps slipping away.Life passes so swiftly and waits for no man,So cherish each second while you still can.One moment of anger is one moment lost,You can never regain it,but that is the costOf moments we squander on hatred and fear.Too late we discover the cost was too dear.Cherish your loved ones before it’s too late,In case life without them is part of your fate,Tell them you love them while they are still here,So they’ll know their existence is what you hold dear.Don’t waste time reflecting on trivial mattersDon’t worry and fret while watching dreams shatter,Grab hold of those moments and turn life around,Just cherish those moments while they still abound.We cannot step backward to relive one hour.Recapturing time is not in our power,And as we grow older,time goes by much faster,So cherish each moment,they’re gifts from the Master.我会珍惜现在所拥有的一切 英文怎么说? I will cherish/treasure/appreciate what I have now.I will cherish/treasure/appreciate everything I have now.I will cherish/treasure/appreciate what I have own now.
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