\ I knew a new friend today.
在学校我认识了很多新朋友,用英语怎么说? 在学校我认2113识了5261很多朋友有类4102似以下表1653达方式:I met lots of new friends at school.I made lots of new frinds at schoolI had many new frinds at schoolI got a lot of new friends at school
“我认识了一位新朋友”的英文怎么说 I know a new friend.I met a new friend.I made a new friend.I had made a new friend.相关例句:我认识了一位新朋友 的相关例句 1.I bought a new turtleneck yesterday.昨天我买了一件新的高领绒衣.来自《简.
“我有一个新朋友”用英语怎么说 I have a new friend.
我是一个外向的女孩,喜欢结识新朋友.我还喜欢音乐,虽然我唱的不算好,不过还是希望能和你们一起唱歌.译文:I am a extroverted girl,enjoying at getting acquainted with new friends,and I also enjoy music.Thou.