相互关照,注意安全的英语 take care of each other and be careful相互关照,注意安全
可以相互关照英语怎么说 You can take care of each other
不要独自爬山,应该有人陪伴用英语怎么说?还有应相互关照,不要停留太久用英语怎么说? You You should climb the mountain with a partnar rather than by yourself.You should take care of each other and not stay too long.
“路上小心,注意安全。”英语翻译。 Look out/Take care/Be careful on your/the road.Look out/Take care/Be careful on your/the road and pay attention to safety.有时候就感觉中文的缘zhidao故,只好这样了,老外绝对懂得。亲:高老师祝你专学习进步,每天都开属心V_V!望采纳,thanks(thx)。
互相关照是什么意思 互相关照是“双方各取所需、相互帮忙、相互照顾”的意思。如果别人对你说请多关照,意思是请你以后与他好好相处,有什么事相互照顾一下。
(游泳时相互关照,时间不要太长)用英语怎么说? 你好楼主,用英文说是这样:Taking care of each other when swimming,don't spend too much time如果对你的问题有帮助,望楼主采纳。如有不懂的,请继续追问.