艾玛 简奥斯丁 简·奥斯汀的《艾玛》简介。


《爱玛》 简奥斯丁的作品。 我刚好前两天老师布置了这个作业,这是我自己写的,当然也有金山的功劳啦Emma Woodhouse was beautiful,clever and rich,and had lived to be twenty years old with very little to pain or trouble her.Her father is a rich country gentleman,loved her spoiled her.Her mother died long ago,and Emma was tough at home by an excellent governess Miss Taylor.When she met Miss Harriet Simith,she is interesting in her because of her beauty.And Emma try to help Harriet under her protection,subjective imaginary for her love.And Harriet is easy to\"love\"with that Emma for her suitors again and again.At last Harriet thought herself\"love\"with the George Knightley.At this time,Emma suddenly discovered that she is fond of the gentlemanly George Knightley.Finally,both of them were found the one they loved.简奥斯丁《艾玛》 一句话的中译 哦!伍德豪斯小姐,请相信我,我不会这样冒昧地—我确实没这么狂妄。不过,能远远地爱慕他—想想他比天下所有的人都远远地优越,那对我来说是桩赏心乐事,当然谁都会怀着应有的感激、惊异和崇敬之情,尤其是我。有没有简奥斯丁全集的电影。《诺桑觉寺》、《理智与情感》、《艾玛》。。。还有汤姆琼斯电影。819199169 简奥斯丁,迅雷快传提取码NEGQBZMRJEFG汤姆琼斯,迅雷快传提取码OXXIDUZGIBJX,第33个就是感谢上传者


