英语翻译 我们在讨论过去的英文怎么说


英语翻译 1.What is he doing?He is reading book.2.What time shall we go?At six we go.3.Who's he waiting for?4.What are they talking about?5.Thank you for your letter and photos.6.These are my photos.7.This is.

英语翻译 我们在讨论过去的英文怎么说

〝他们使我们忘记了过去〞的英语怎么说 They made me forget the past.


“我和对手展开了激烈的讨论”用英文怎么说?是过去式哦 翻译是:I discussed with my opponents drastically

英语翻译 In the past few years,this factory has substituted plastics for wood in order to reduce cost.In spite of many difficulties,we will still try to carry out our planDiscussing in groups can help better understand texts.Tennis is and popular in ShanghaiMusic plays a significant part in people’s lives.

对.感到难受用英语怎么说 feel sorry aboutTalking about the past_MAKES_me_FEEL SORRY_.

英语翻译 We have gotten along for two years already.Within this time period,we study together,discusstogether,play together.Always help each other during difficult times,always look for the other side to air one's grievances during unhappy times.We would discuss together the secrets that belong to us.Thinking back upon such happy moments,can't help but to smile faintly.We are already in eighth grade,will soon part in two years,don't know whether can see each other or not in due course.The lapse of time will pass by in the blink of an eye,I will treasure the friendship between us even more.如果有疑问可以追问如果答案对亲有所帮助请采纳予以鼓励。

得到足够的锻炼用英语怎么说? 得到足够的锻炼 get enough exerciseforget your address 忘了你的地址be famous for 因…著名在自助餐厅吃饭 dine at a cafeteria去月球渡假 have a vacation on the moon最好的快餐 the best fastfood讨论过去的.

讨论过去的一切都是没有意思的,是无聊,用英文怎么说 It's not useful to talk all about the past,it's boring.

英语翻译 1.When Jack is searching everywhere for him,Tom is HIDDEN behind the door.2.The problem DISCUSSED yesterday is really important for us.3.This newly INVENTED machine will soon be put to use.4.He often.


