约翰 济慈 hyperion 《海伯利安》系列中多次提到诗人济慈到底有何意义?


约翰·济慈作品都有那些?是否可以列举英文名字? 济慈[Keats,John](1795.10.31,英格兰 伦敦~1821.2.23,教皇国 罗马)<;br/>;英国浪漫主义诗人。马车行经理之子,受正规教育不多。当了几年外科医生的学徒和助手,21。


《海伯利安》系列中多次提到诗人济慈到底有何意义? 1:济慈未完成的长诗《海伯利安》与该系列主题精神相符合。原诗有关奥利匹斯众神通过战争取 代泰坦,而科…

这一段出自济慈的哪一部作品? 当然是62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333361326232《海伯利安》(Hyperion,1820年)第二卷的173行往下:O ye,whom wrath consumes。who,passion-stung,Writhe at defeat,and nurse your agonies。Shut up your senses,stifle up your ears,My voice is not a bellows unto ire.Yet listen,ye who will,whilst I bring proofHow ye,perforce,must be content to stoop:And in the proof much comfort will I give,If ye will take that comfort in its truth.We fall by course of Nature's law,not forceOf thunder,or of Jove.Great Saturn,thouHast sifted well the atom-universe;But for this reason,that thou art the King,And only blind from sheer supremacy,One avenue was shaded from thine eyes,Through which I wandered to eternal truth.And first,as thou wast not the first of powers,So art thou not the last;it cannot be:Thou art not the beginning nor the end.From chaos and parental darkness cameLight,the first fruits of that intestine broil,That sullen ferment,which for wondrous endsWas ripening 。

#约翰 济慈 hyperion

