英语作文,1 Dear editor of the 21st Century paper,I think it is a good idea for secondary school students to bring their mobile phone with them.I have been doing a survey at my school,there are 40%of students showing that they do agree with it while there are 60%of students are against to this situation.The reason for students that agree they should have mobile phone because they think it would me convenient for them to contact their parents and relatives.Also they think using mobile phones to search information in the web would be a lot easier.Some students think that they could use the mobile phone to play games during leisure time to regulate their brain.Using mobile phones could also conveniently saves useful information.However,the students who are disagree with me think that the radiation given out mobile phones could affect the health of human body.Secondly,they think that the ringtone from the mobile phones would affect yourself and people who are around you trying to revise。.
下面是你班班会上以“中学生是否能佩带手机”为题进行讨论的情况.请你写一封信给21st 这你在网上找一篇都比我们帮你写的强
公司培训提纲怎么写?有哪些要点,比如目的、宗旨哪些的,希望给我列出来 培训大纲一、2113培训目标:优化员5261工的知识结构,提升4102技能水平、工作绩效和能力,增1653强员工对公司的认同感和归属感,创建学习型组织。二、培训流程:1、岗前培训A、简单交流会议友善欢迎致辞,介绍公司环境,老员工以及老员工的自我介绍,新员工自我介绍自己,以及爱好和兴趣,理想,目标等,达到消除新员工的陌生感。B、工厂公司简介、产品介绍单、人事管理规章的讲解;介绍三鼎产品的由来和发展优势,视频播放,宣传册相关学习等介绍公司的发展,工作场所,理念,让每一个员工得到做好的发展公司所发展的市场和潜在客户,以及在保定市的优势,产品的参数和产品的报价,制定相关培训官员,建立考核表格,考勤,休假,惩罚,卫生,接送货,礼仪,工资等规定业务员的章程(公司原来有章程)C、保定市市场情况,保定竞争对手情况D、工作要求、工作程序、工作职责的说明;恪守公司制度,企业内部和员工上下多交流,产品与使用,低端测绘仪器的校正,gps的简单培训,经常对一些内容进行考核,考察。E、请业务部门进行业务技能培训;进行简单业务的实践,作为第一份工作,做些一些报告总结和一些信息反馈F、企业文化知识的培训宣布企业内部的。
怎样开好董事会会议?有哪些关键的原则和要点? 感谢裘伯纯Benjamin(http://www.zhihu.com/people/benjam in),这些好。原文地址:https://www. usv.com/blog/6-ways-gre at-companies-use-board-decks-to-their-advantage 。
假设你是名初三毕业生,考上了理想的学校。今天是开学第一天,请你根据下表所列的 内容要点,用英语写一篇日记, One possible version:Monday,Sept.3 FineToday was the first day of my new life.I looked at my new books and checked everything for the new school year,I was 。
提纲还是题纲? 首先:提纲,是一种概括地叙述纲目、要点的公文。它不把全文的所有内容写出来,只把那些主要内容,提纲挈领式地写出来。提纲使用于汇报工作、传达会议精神和讲话发言。因为。
论述题和简答题有什么区别 简答题一般是要bai你列出关于du这个题目的zhi几点,1 2 3 4 一般是答对一dao点给一定分,全列回出来了才给全分。论述题答一般是给你一个题目,让你对这个题目做一些分析,拓展等,简答题要求简明扼要,将答案的重点突出回答即可。而论述题就是在简答题的基础上,将重点加以论述或举例说明,最后概括。