翻译 我的英语考差了 我英语考的差翻译


英语翻译:虽然这次期中考试考得很差,但我在今后更加努力学习,争取在期末考得更好。不要用有道翻译 although i didn't do it well in the mid-term exam,i will make effore to study and try my best to get better resurt in the final exam

我英语考的差翻译 翻译为:我英语考的差My test is poor

这次考试我考的很差. 英语翻译 I am very weak in the exam

英语 翻译 我快要高考:I will take part in the college entrance exam in the near future.还有 英语成绩不理想 English grade is not pleasing 恐难进心仪大学 I am afraid I will。

英语翻译 1.He got full marks for his math exam.2.He didn't pass the math exam with 3 points short.(His math exam was 3 points short of passing).3.How many points are short of full marks in your math exam?4.How many points are short of passing your(math)exam?5.How many of you are coming for dinner/lunch?6.Three of us are coming for dinner/lunch.

翻译 我的英语考差了 我英语考的差翻译

我有一次数学考试考差了翻译成英语 我有一次数学考试考差了I once had a poor result in a maths exam.

饶了我吧 我英语很不好 每次英语考试都不及格 用英语翻译 ?饶了我吧 我英语很不好 每次英语考试都不及格Forgive me my is not very good at failed您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢

”我在英语考试中做得很差“用英语翻译是什么? 一般是描述某次考试经历,所以通常用过去时:I did poorly in the exam this time.这次我英语考得很差.

英语翻译:虽然这次期中考试考得很差,但我。 although i didn't do it well in the mid-term exam,i will make effore to study and try my best to get better resurt in the final exam

最近考试我考的很差. 英语翻译 Recently I've got bad performances in the exam.

#英语考46级的爆笑翻译#翻译 我的英语考差了

