明年年初用英语怎么说 表示未来可能发生的事用英文怎么说?比如说 明年这个时候我可能在想你们


明年年初出道英文怎么说 译文:Is it true debut early next year?

明年年初用英语怎么说 表示未来可能发生的事用英文怎么说?比如说 明年这个时候我可能在想你们

明年的这个时候 英文怎么说 at this time next year

表示未来可能发生的事用英文怎么说?比如说 明年这个时候我可能在想你们 I might be missing you this time next year.

明年年初,我打算去上音乐课用英语怎么翻译 I am going to take the music lesson at the beginning of next years.

英语翻译 1.正在建造的图书馆明年初将向公众开放.(open)The library being built will be open to the public early next year.2.居里夫人发现了镭元素获得了1903年诺贝尔物理学奖.(award)Madam Curie won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1903 for her discovery of Radium.3.据信一个人晚上做的梦与他白天想的和做的事情有关.(relate)It is believed that what one dreamed at night is related to what he thought in the day.4.电脑的发明对科学的进步产生了很大的影响.(affect)The invention of the computer greatly affects the progress of science.5他的房间比我的房间大一倍,换句话说,我的房间只有他房间的一半大.(in other words)His room is twice as big as mine.In other words,my room is half as big as his.6.你认为有没有可能在10小时内横越大西洋?(cross)Do you think it possible to cross the Atlantic Ocean within 10 hours?7.他似乎已经意识到他本来不该那样做.(seem)It seems that he has realized shouldn't have done that.8.通过广泛的阅读,我们可以获取有关历史、地理、科学等知识.(obtain)We can obtain the knowledge 。


