英语 我考虑了很久怎么说 I thought it for a long time或者I thought it again and again.想了一遍又一遍,就是想了很久.
我考虑了很久才敢和你说的因为也考虑了很多英文怎么说 手工地道翻译:I didn't tell you that until after a long pause because I had to devote a lot of thinking to this.记得采纳哦,还有问题就说:-)
把让我考虑一下这个问题翻译成英文 Let me think about/consider/think of this issue
用英语翻译下一句话,谢谢你. I have thought this matter over and over for a long time.I didn't tell you about it because I felt embarrassed.I very appreciate it.慎重考虑 think.over and over 就可表达这个意思,不需用carefully之类的词语来翻译“慎重”不好意思:这是很“中文”的表达方法,理解为“尴尬”,即embarrassed感激不尽:I very appreciate it.这个句子几乎成了固定表达法.在英语国家非常常用.
这个问题困扰我很久了… 中文翻译如下:生活中到处都充斥着谎言,甚至有时侯,就连事实都会撒谎.这是生活让人感到悲哀的一面:谎言固然是假的,有时候,就连事实(我们所看到的、听到的、亲身体验到的),也都是假的.It's a sad fact of life:lies are lies and sometimes the truth can lie as well.生活之可悲就在于谎言已经是谎言了,但真相却也隐藏于其中。谎言就是谎言,而有时真相也是谎言,这是生活中一个令人悲伤的现实.