特色服装英语 日本的民族服装特色的英文介绍


英语翻译 本系列设计灵感来源秦汉服饰文化,以及秦汉建筑.秦统一中国以后,对于服装也逐步进行统一,并随着社会文化的发展而定型,随着汉代的安定繁荣更将原来秦服饰冠以了汉的特色,自此中国古典服饰文化基本定型,也对秦汉以后的中国,和整个亚洲服饰的发展有了深渊的影响.The designing inspiration of this clothing series is inspired by Qin and Han Dynasty culture of fashion and architecture.Since the national unification in Qin Dynasty,the concept of fashion was unified gradually,and it is firmly fixed along with the development of social culture.Based on above characteristic,the clothing designing is combined with the feature of Han Dynasty,and it is fundamentally firmed by then.The combined designing concept is not only impacted whole Qing and Han Dynasty but also be significant for entire Asian fashion culture

服装英语有哪些? 1、Bridesmaid Dresses 伴娘礼服This bridesmaid dress is so beautiful.这件伴娘礼服太漂亮了。2、Day Dresses 便装You should wear day dresses when you go out.你出门应该穿便装。3、T-shirt t恤Where did you buy this t-shirt?这件t恤在哪里买的?4、jeans牛仔裤Your jeans are so unique.你的牛仔裤 太有独特了。5、sweater毛衣In such a cold weather,you quickly put on your sweater.这么冷的天气,你赶紧穿上毛衣。pants裤子 dress衣服 cardigan开襟羊毛衫 jacket夹克vest背心 coat外套 cap帽 gloves手套 hat帽子Scarf围巾 boots靴子 sneakers运动鞋 shoes鞋子 handbag手提包blouse上衣 skirt 裙子 Western-style西装 pants/underpants 内裤

特色服装英语 日本的民族服装特色的英文介绍

英语大神请进。求一篇介绍各个国家的服装特点的英文短作文 “Chinese”culture is supposed to compare with“French”or“Italian”culture or there is a logic to compare“Eastern”culture with“Western”culture.So,why 。

有关服装的各种风格的英语怎么说? 毛呢服装woolengarment由纯毛、毛混纺织物为面料制成的服装。棉布服装cottonclothes由全棉、棉混纺织物制成的服装。丝绸服装silkgarment由天然丝、人造丝、合成丝织物制成。


