因为我明天有考试英语翻译 明天有一个对于我来说很重要的考试。翻译成英文


英语翻译 Hello teacher,I have to say today is my hometownI come from a small county called Luyi county,the town is located in the eastern part of Henan Province,we often talk,speaking in dialect Yudong,ou.

一句英语翻译 明天考试哦?! 这个句子侧重中医司令人迷惑的。而as well as作为关联词的时候侧重点是前者。所以该句子翻译“Chinese medicine is puzzling as well as magical to foreigners”楼主翻译的句子中有一个错误,as well as 后面不需要再加 is 了,因为和前面的magical是属于表语。

1.明天我们将会进行考试.Tomorrow we are going to ____ ____ _____ . 你好,应该是:have an exam.或have a test或have an examination祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~

在线等英文翻译!!明天我高中口语考试!!HELP ME PLEASE~~。。 3Q!!! 1,我的爱好是画画,我是艺术生,目前在学习画画。我想以后我会成为一个画家,它是我的梦想。My interest is drawing,and I'm a art student,I'm keep studying painting also.And it is my dream to be a famous painter~2,我妈妈总是对我说:如果你想做,就去做吧!于是 我今天来到了这里,坐在这里,面对你们。是的~面对你们。My mother always tells me that:\"if you want to do it,just do it。(你也可以说if you have a dream,you have to protect it。这句话比较有名 推荐一下~)And that is why I come here today,sit in front of you,face to you,yeah,confront to you~3,我非常紧张此时此刻,我可不想成为哑子,我非常羞涩对于我蹩脚的英语。Well,I was so nerver,but I don't want to be dumb although I was so shy for my poor English.4,对不起,能再重复一遍吗?I'm sorry,but,can you repeat that?(can you say that again?or can you say that one time?5,对不起,我无法理解你说的意思。(老师说的话我怕听不懂,以此来答``)I'm so sorry,but I don't know what you mean(but I don't understant what you said)6,对不起,我觉得。

英语翻译 我希望明天不要考试 . 英语翻译 我希望明天不要考试 I hope that no exam is going to happen tomorrowI hope there will not be an exam tomorrowI hope there won't be no exam tomorrowI hope that no exam will take place tomorrow.

英文翻译 昨晚我突然想到明天要考试,所以一直复习到深夜 用come across和occur分别造句。 Last night,suddenly it came across in my mind that i have an exam tomorrow.昨晚我突然想到明天要考试.Last night,Suddenly it came across in my mind that there's an exam which will occur tomorrow.So i carried on studying deep until midnight.=所以一直复习到深夜.

我现在要复习了,因为我明天还要考试.英语翻译谢谢咯。 I'm going to go over because I have to take an exam tomorrow

英语翻译我不得不为明天的考试做准备 I have to prepare(myself)for tomorrow's exam. I have to be prepared for tomorrow's exam. I have to make preparations for tomorrow's exam.

明天有一个对于我来说很重要的考试。翻译成英文 i'm having a very important exam tomorrow.

英语翻译 我希望明天不要考试 。

因为我明天有考试英语翻译 明天有一个对于我来说很重要的考试。翻译成英文


