我打算请两周假英文 怎么样能请两周的假


英语翻译 Great,I am alone for the vacation at home.Pretty cool Remember,we have known each other for a year and you eventually have time to my mail.I live a wonderful life in China and would go in for social volunteer during this vacationi.How is your plan for the cute vacationEnjoy your vacation

怎么样能请两周的假 这个问题很好解决呀。你可以从你自身情况中非解决不可,而且请假是在情理之中的事里面找事情来请.因为不知道你个人情况,所以具体事情还要你自己找.

给学校的请假申请用英文翻译出来 Hi VannyI would like to request a leave of absence because my home out some troublesome thing.There is not enough time to ask for leave previously and did not attend classes for tow weeks.So sorry for that.I hope you to help me for a leave of absence for(another)two weeks.I need some time to deal with the family affairs.以上是按照你的原文翻译的。但是我觉得你的这个原文有些问题。你说:“之前确实没有来得及请假耽误了两周课”就说明你已经有两周没有上课了是吧。那么,你是希望另外再请两周的假呢还是为已经缺席的两周补假呢。我理解是再请两周的假。所以用了(another)。如果我理解的没错。你采用时把括号去掉就可以了。如果你想说【补上前两周的假另外再请两周的假】那么就这样说【I hope you to help me for a leave of absence for that two weeks and in addition another two weeks.】

我打算请两周假英文 怎么样能请两周的假


