平易近人用英语怎么说 不那么平易近人 英文



英语翻译 Interest is the best“teacher\",although this\"teacher\"may not be\"approachable and friendly\"sometimes,but i don't regret it,of course electives is not important to the amount to credit points what must be earned in order to leave the school,but apart from these,what other things are there?i think since primary school till high school,I never truly(这里也可以用really,不过truly 更接近本文)had the freedom to choice things I really want to learn,it's with great difficulties that i got into university,it is also with great difficulty that finally there is a tiny chance to chose an elective(这个句子如果觉得太绕口了,可以采用这个更简洁的句子 finally there is a tiny chance to choose an elective.因为其实在本文中,finally 和it is with great difficulty 表达的都是同样的意思,不过如果用简洁的句子,使用“重复”的写作手法就没有了.),no matter what I*want to(want to 可以换成 must,这样可以和后句呼应)exercise this freedom.no matter what,i must choose what I*really wants to choose,learn what i truly wants to 。

她不是很高,但看起来很平易近人,很可爱.这个句子的英语翻译是什么? 她不是很高,但看起来很平易近人,很可爱She is not very tall,but she looks very easy-going and friendly,she is very lovely

平易近人用英语怎么说 不那么平易近人 英文

平易近人的 英文 平易近人的:1.maty2.approachable3.mateyeasy-going:a.随和的平易近人:amiable and easy to approachExamples:一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。A manager should be accessible to his staff.我们的班长平易近人。Our monitor is easy to approach.恐怕你听说的不太正确。要是你能亲自见见他,你就知道他不仅平易近人,而且很有能力。I'm afraid that what you were told about him is not quite right.If only you could meet him in person,you'd discover he's very agreeable and capable.他们很平易近人。They are easy of approach.我们的班长平易近人。Our monitor is easy to approach.政治家需要有平易近人的美德。A politician needs the common touch.你将会发现校长十分平易近人。You'll find the headmaster a very approachable person.你将会发现董事十分平易近人。You'll find the director a very approachable person.易于接近的人,平易近人的人a man of easy access他这个人容易接近(他平易近人)。He is easy of access.他平易近人的态度使他受到邻居们的喜爱。His folksy manner has endeared him to his neighbors。.

英语翻译 1,平易近人的:maty2,把水倒进怀子.(主要翻译\"倒\")I pour water into the glass.倒:pour3,原来他也这样.(主要翻译\"原来\")原来It turns out that.It turns out that he does it like this too.4,不要乱花钱.(主要翻译\"乱\")Don't frovol away your money.5,那一刻我泪如泉涌.Tears gushed from ny eyes for a moment.

#不那么平易近人 英文

