是 我考虑不周 英文 他们这样做是考虑不周的 用英语如何说?


谁能告诉我这些句子用英语怎么说,急用。 1.what to do next is not decided.2.their way is less considerate.3.He is forbidden practising medicine.4.This is the 1st time i have heard\"Happy Birthday\"in Italian.5.Poor prevent him fingding a job.6.Quite a few greate men are born in slums.7.it is believed that there must be a large amount of tressures on the sunk ships.8.There are many amazing things in your life.9.The journalists are either for or against him,which is his opinion to the press.10.the mother is holding her baby.

英语翻译 同意一楼的说法.但可以说:Please tell us if there is anything we can(could)improve.Thank you for the suggestions to serve you better.

他们这样做是考虑不周的 用英语如何说?学英语的学生必须有本好字典 用英语如何说?learning students must have a dictionary.

很抱歉这里是我考虑不周的翻译是:什么意思 很抱歉这里是我考虑不周I'm sorry for not thinking about it.考虑不周[kǎo lǜ bù zhōu]词典not been carefully thought out

他们这样做是考虑不周的 用英语如何说? learning students must have a dictionary.

是 我考虑不周 英文 他们这样做是考虑不周的 用英语如何说?

英语翻译 It is only ten minutes' walk to our destinationThey did this without considering it carefully/His poor affected his work.

如果我考虑不周,请指正的翻译是:什么意思 If I have not taken fully into account of the siuation,please correct me.

#是 我考虑不周 英文

