急求!!! 英语作文一篇.(范文)要求没错误.我是为了背诵的! 今天我不像你们背诵一篇短文


急求。。。 英语作文一篇.(范文)要求没错误.我是为了背诵的。

智商低 有什么办法解决吗? 别人背一篇英语作文只要10分钟 而我却要2个小时!为什么会这样啊? 首先朋友 这不是智商高低的问题 而是因为你和他人的记忆力不同 他人背英语作文 只要用10分钟(其实现在我背一篇英语作文只要5、6分钟)这些都只是因为记忆力不同而已,并且别人可能之前花了很多时间去背诵。可能别人有很好的方法。背一篇10分钟在我班上是很常见的事。每个人只要掌握方法都能做到。而不是因为智商问题的。你要对自己自信。要努力提高自己的记忆力。关于记忆力提高,我认为,要多背东西。这是很好的提高方法。比如背100个单词规定自己多少分钟背完,慢慢地减少自己背诵时间。最终你会发现 你也可以用10分钟背下一篇英语作文。但是首先 你的英语水平要好。先将英语翻译为中文会好一点,而且知道这篇文章的结构 主要说了什么。我觉得 你与其抱怨自己智商不好 不如去看看怎样提高记忆力 或是背英语作文的方法。要记住世界上没有天才,只有努力加方法的人。好了 乐观点 Believe in yourself!You can do it。

急求。。。 英语作文一篇.(范文)要求没错误.我是为了背诵的。 Dear 假如你是光明中学的学生李华,你从网上得知了一位美国中学生Kail Davis很想交一位中国朋友.恰好你也有同样的愿望.很想与他通信,成为笔友,请代表李华写封信 1简单的进行。

急求!!! 英语作文一篇.(范文)要求没错误.我是为了背诵的! 今天我不像你们背诵一篇短文

我请求要一篇演讲能在五分钟的之内的英语作文,要求是主题为:热爱祖国,为祖国做贡献.希望高人能给我一篇可以背诵起来较为琅琅上口的作文,因为我时间有限所以想尽快得到, Our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world.It has a population of over twelve hundred million.Beijing is its capital.We Chinese people are brave and hardworking.We have a glorious revolutionary tradition.We drove out all the enemies.In 1949 the People's Republic of China was founded.Since then great changes have taken place in our motherland.Now our country is getting stronger and stronger.We Chinese people are working hard to make our motherland into a powerful country.Children are regarded as“flower of our motherland”.In our country children are taken very good care of.Special laws have been issuedto protect them.Thousands of schools have been set up to make education available to all children.The Party and the government pay special attention to the growth of children because they represent our bright future.

懂英语的来。 你的演讲有很多语法错误和很不顺的句子…TOPIC:It's truly up to you.Consider you.\"很奇怪的句子.好比话语你说“想你自己”.In all time before now and in all time to come.There is always no one to be like you.\"这两个句子因该用逗号链接,不然很不通顺,而且语法有毛病.因该差不多这样:In all time before and in all time to come,there has never been anyone like you.或者,In all time before and in all time to come,you are unique and nobody will be the same as you.You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe.Wow.Stop and think about that。句子里的stop有点多余.“You are better than one in a million or a billion…”我根本不知道你在说什么嘞…如果我按字面理解,意思就是:你比一百万之一、一亿之一还强.“You are the only one like you in the sea of the infinity.”你是唯一的自己?You are amazing,You are awesome.And by the way,you are it.你在说什么啊…“you are it\":你是它。As amazing and awesome as you already are,You can be even so.Beautiful young people are the whimsy of nature.But。

以‘学习英语要不要背诵课文’为话题写一篇英语作文 Whether students should recite texts to learn Should students recite texts or dialogues to learn Some students think there is no need to recite texts and others think reciting texts is necessary.I think as students,If we want to learn well,we should make effort and have right methods.As for me,I will listen to teacher carefully as well as take notes in class.After school,I will do some reading,writing and reciting.Every morning,I would like to read articles loudly.or have some listening practice.What's communicating with friends and teachers is very funny.When I have spare time on weekend,I will see some movies and some songs.

怎么样才可以快速地背诵一篇200字英语短文,我的记忆力并不是非常好,但我也会好好。 怎么样才可以快速地背诵一篇200字英语短文,我的记忆力并不是非常好,但我也会好好.怎么样才可以快速地背诵一篇200字英语短文,我的记忆力并不是非常好,但我也会好好听磁带,。


