

我可以带你去玩用英语怎么说 I can take you out to play.你可以带我去哪里吗?英语译文 You can show me where to go?You can take me to where it is?英语翻译 Can you please speak louder?At the place where I lived,we ask for our marks through the phone.I didn't bring it.我可以带你去翻译成英文是什么? I can take you there我可以带你去翻译成英文是什么? I can take you there英语翻译 I can help you do the translation?You need to send TAXI past take you back later?:“我带你去”用英文怎么说 我带2113你去的英文:I'll take you theretake 读法 英[te?k]美5261[tek]1、vt.拿,取;采取;接受4102(礼物等);买,花费;耗费(时间等1653)2、vi.拿;获得3、n.捕获量;看法;利益,盈益;(入场券的)售得金额短语:1、take a look 看一下2、take out v.取出;去掉;出发;抵充3、take into 考虑到;说服4、take in 接受;理解;拘留;欺骗;让…进入;改短5、take seriously 重视;认真对待…扩展资料一、take的词义辨析:fetch,get,transport,take,这组词都有“带、拿、取”的意思,其区别是:1、fetch 指一往一返,相当于go and bring,去取了东西或带人再返回到出发处。2、get 口语用词,与fetch基本同义,语气随便。3、transport 指使用车辆或机械设备把人或货物从一处运载到另一处。4、take 指从说话人或说话人心目中所在处把某人或某物带离开,带到离说话者有一定距离的地方,与bring的方向正相反,侧重方向,不着重方式。二、take的近义词:fetchfetch 读法 英[fet?]美[f?t?]1、vt.取来;接来;到达;吸引2、vi.拿;取物;卖得3、n.取得;诡计短语:1、fetch in 引进,招来2、fetch up 引起;到达;最终成为3、fetch and "请问你可以带我去教室吗?\ Can you take me to classroom?我可以不可以带你去看大海?英文点说呀? Could I take you to see the sea?用could提问,较can为委婉。我带你去那里玩,怎么说?用英语 I‘ll take you there to have a play.I'll take you there to have fun.I'll take you there for fun.I'll take you there for a trip.

