翻译“我爸爸下周一将去上海” 知道 。电脑版 ?2020Baidu 京ICP证030173号-1 京网文【2013】0934-983号 追问追答 该链接由问题回答方推荐,不代表知道立场,请注意可能的风险。
我打算和父母一起乘飞机去青岛度假用英文怎么说 I plan to have a vacation with my parents in Qingdao 观光 travel
我九月十一日和我的父母坐车去青岛 用英语怎么说 将来时:I will go to Qingdao by bus with my parents on the eleventh of September.过去时:I went to Qingdao by bus with my parents on the eleventh of September.