激烈的思想斗争 英文


【评选】女英文名三选一~.偶又来了.之前发过,可斟酌半天啊还是不知道选哪个后来经过激烈的思想斗争,决定选出这三个作为候选:◆Aurora 欧若拉:黎明女神 ◆Elvira 艾维拉:小精灵,白种人的◆Vita 维塔:指生命之力,流过所有生灵的女孩要写上理由噢,选择的理由和不选的理由都要写~ ACTION~ 请问经过激烈的思想斗争英文怎么说? 经过激烈的思想斗争after fierce tussle with oneself例句:After fierce tussling with himself for some days,he decided to accept my offer.他经过了几天的思想斗争,决定接受我的建议.英语翻译 Chinese ancient military formation and development of the idea of being a variety of factors.Chinese“经过了激烈的思想斗争”用英语怎么说?看谁快~ After a bitter inner struggle in a one's mind“经过了激烈的思想斗争”用英语怎么说? After a bitter inner struggle in a one's mind经过一番激烈的思想斗争使他终于做了这样的决定改病句 经过一番激烈的思想斗争他终于做了这样的决定。去掉“使”或者去掉“经过”一番激烈的思想斗争使他终于做了这样的决定。哪位大神帮我翻译一下: 经过一番激烈的思想斗争,她克服心理障碍,鼓起勇气,主动约了游泳教练,用10 用英语的话应该是After a fierce ideological struggle,her overcome the psychological obstacles,courage,active about the swimming coach,with a 10 hour course and 30 hours of self training,from the most basic of water inlet,outlet,hand draw,legs kicking and other basic movements,to master water body balance and movement Festival played and so on essentials,finally learn the breaststroke,inverted breaststroke,freestyle,posture.Now she has fallen in love with swimming,often with friends together to the community swimming pool,and oneself to 1.8,2.0 meters deep-water zone swim.This thing makes me feel very shocked,she was able to overcome fear,from 0.5 m to 2.0 m,is to challenge themselves and overcome the self,exercise self-a process,so I thought,as long as she finds,she will be able to overcome all difficulties,with indomitable willpower,towards success and make greater achievements!希望可以帮到你今天我跟我的一个朋友去地球村交流英语咨询了一下,激烈的思想斗争中,不知道要不要报名?咳。。。 搞清楚是不是你需要的嘛从交通、教材、师资、上课方式等等,全面衡量据我所知,地球村的效果很好,师资各方面都和市场很贴近的,试试吧“经过了激烈的思想斗争”用英语怎么说 翻译如下经过了激烈的思想斗争这句不可直译为中式英语。可以翻译为after a hard struggle或after fought with myself“经过了激烈的思想斗争”用英语怎么说?看谁快~ After a bitter inner struggle in a one's mind


