关爱别人的英语作文 100字左右 写暴风雪的英文作文100字



关于一个节日的英语作文100字左右 spring spring festival is the most important festival in china.it’s to celebrate the lunar calendar‘s new year.in the evening before the spring festival,。

根据以下提示 写一篇100-120字的英语作文 最近几年自然灾害频频发生.地震,飓风,洪水等严重地危害了人们 As we all known,many disasters happened these years,which cause many attentions from the people.So the governments everywhere in the world try to forbid cutting down the trees and restricting the emissions of waste water.whereas,we should all be responsible to our planet,because we only have a planet.First we should tell people around us to pay attention to this problem,due to the fact that there is some of the people who don't care about this.Second,we should decrease the toxic gas from ourselves,for instance we can walk to work instead of driving to work.we should not only care about the calamities in front of us but also care about our offsprings,whether they can lead a happy life on this planet or not.In conclusion,we should be responsible to our planet

关爱别人的英语作文 100字左右 叮零2113零…”,随着一阵阵清脆的铃声响起,老5261师宣布我们下课了。4102并叮嘱我们说:“暴风雪1653马上就要来临了,你们要赶快回家,不能在路边逗留玩耍,一定要注意安全!我和同学们听完后马上收拾好书包,跑出了教室。来到路边,我看见天空中乌云滚滚,路上人来人往,都急着往家里赶,我也加快了脚步。当我走到一个“十”字路口时,突然,一位骑自行车的叔叔把一个小女孩撞倒在地,他看见没人注意就赶快骑车溜走了。我看见那个小姑娘的脚擦破了皮,并且有血迹渗出来了,小姑娘一下子被吓得哭了起来。路上的行人也没有去理会她。我觉得她好可怜就连忙走过去,用妈妈给我装在书包里的手巾纸帮她擦血迹,她一边哭一边叫:“疼!疼!好疼…!我说:“你忍着点儿,擦干净了我就送你回家,你住在哪里呀?“在世纪广场”她哽咽着说,“真巧呀!我也住在那里。我擦好了就扶着她一瘸一拐地回家去。终于走到了她家门口,她告诉我到了,我帮忙敲了敲门,小姑娘的妈妈把我们迎了进去问清了原委,并连忙向我道谢,还拿出糖果和饼干给我吃,我很不好意思就赶快回家了。走在回家的路上,虽然天空一片灰暗,但是我还是感到心情格外的愉快。因为我今天做了一件非常有意义的事,。

关爱别人的英语作文 100字左右 写暴风雪的英文作文100字


