英语翻译 我肯定要死了翻译


请问“如果有一天我死了,我肯定是贱死的。怎么翻译成英文 呃,这个。很难也,毕竟中文英语不一样呃。我意译一下好吧?i know that i will perish someday,because I'm a perisher.我感觉这是个英语的冷笑话,但中文原话的意思也很冷。英语翻译 Once upon a time,there was a frog,looking for drinking water by digging wells due to the drought.While his digging,a heavy rock held him back.So he gave up,thinking the well beeing dug would never giv.英语翻译 Do you know that the dogs are the loyalest friend to humans?You know every creature has its destination,right?It really cannot be cured?You'd rather let it die in pain or euthanasia?You really don't want to see it gets tortured by this,do you?其他人的答案惨不忍睹.楼主自己看着办吧.我在国外读书英语翻译 I looked and looked at her,and I knew as clearly as I know that I will die.that I loved her than anything I'd ever seen or imagined on earth.She was only the dead leaf echo of the nymphet from long ago,but I loved her;this Lolita,pale and polluted,and big with another man's child.She would fade and wither,I didn't care.I would still go mad with tenderness.at the mere sight of her face.Lolita.翻译翻译翻译 《勾践灭吴》作品译文2113越王勾践退守到会稽山上,5261向三军下令说:\"凡是我4102父辈兄弟和同姓弟兄,1653只要有能够帮助我出谋划策打败吴国的,我将和他共同管理越国的政事。大夫文种进见回答说:\"我听说,商人夏天的时候就准备皮货,冬天的时候就准备细葛布。天旱的时候就准备船,有大水的时候就准备车辆,就是打算在缺少这些东西的时候派上用场。即使没有被四邻侵扰的时候,然而谋臣与武士,不可不选拔出来供养他们。就像蓑笠一样,雨已经下来了,肯定要到处找。现在君王您已经退守到会稽山上了,然后才寻求出谋划策的大臣,恐怕太迟了吧?勾践说:\"如果能够让我听听您的高见,又有什么晚的呢?于是就拉着文种的手,跟他在一起商量。终于使文种去吴国议和。随后,越王就派文种到吴国去求和。文种对吴王说:\"我们越国派不出有本领的人,就派了我这样无能的臣子,我不敢直接对您大王说,我私自同您手下的臣子说:我们越王的军队,不值得屈辱大王再来讨伐了,越王愿意把金玉及子女,奉献给大王,以酬谢大王的辱临。并请允许把越王的女儿作大王的婢妾,大夫的女儿作吴国大夫的婢妾,士的女儿作吴国士的婢妾,越国的珍宝也全部带来;越王将率领全国的人,编入大王。


